Some corporate credits and even synthetic securities are safe assets, but assigning responsibility for deciding what are safe assets to privately owned rating agencies proved a disaster. 一些企业信贷乃至组合证券也是安全资产,但事实证明,把决定何为安全资产的责任交给私有评级机构是一个灾难。
Citic, China's biggest listed securities brokerage, has owned 100 per cent of China Asset Management ( AMC), since 2007. 中信证券是中国最大的上市券商,该公司自2007年以来拥有华夏基金管理公司(ChinaAssetManagement,AMC)100%的股份。
Securities lending when a brokerage lends securities owned by its clients to short sellers. 证券借贷指经纪人把客户所拥有的证券借给卖空者。
The SEC also alleged that Egan-Jones violated rules prohibiting conflicts of interest by allowing two analysts to rate securities they owned. sec还指出,伊根琼斯公司允许两位分析师为他们持有的证券评级,这违反了避免利益冲突的规定。
Sale of securities or commodity futures not owned by the seller ( who hopes to buy them back later at a lower price). 证券或商品将来不被销售者拥有的出售(他们希望以后再以更低的价格买回)。
But officials in Brussels, Paris and other EU capitals made little effort to disguise their surprise and irritation at the German move against naked shorting – selling securities such as shares and bonds that are not owned or are borrowed. 但是,布鲁塞尔、巴黎以及其它欧盟国家首都的官员对德国的裸卖空禁令,几乎无意掩饰自己的惊讶与恼怒。所谓裸卖空,是指出售本身并不持有、也没有借入的股票和债券等证券。
For a decade and more, US companies owned by private equity have had to file earnings reports with the securities and Exchange Commission just like their public counterparts. 十多年来,为私人股本所有的美国企业都和美国上市公司一样,必须向美国证券交易委员会(securitiesandexchangecommission)提交收益报表。